April 12, 2008
Computer games are an important part of “the writing process”.
The writing ‘process’ is pretty much anything a writer does, when sitting down to write, that does not involve actual ‘writing’. If you counted up the time actually spent typing, and compared it to the amount of time spent, staring off into space, or maybe playing solitaire?
Well, just don’t do that. It makes writers nervous.
But once my sons read that J K Rowling is a killer at minesweeper, they are much more willing to trust me, when I claim to be working, while logged onto Addicting Games.
I’m not really a huge fan of solitaire, although I have gone through some pretty intense mahjong phases. And I do an on line jigsaw puzzle, every morning, before starting to work.
And if I’m having trouble getting into the groove, I will play Boomshine, until I am near catatonic Nirvana. Play this with the sound up. It’s like being trapped in a light jazz wind chime, with colored lights.
And lately, I want escape the room puzzles. And a point and click game called Bow Street Runner, which feeds the inner Sherlock Holmes.
And I can at least pretend it’s research. Although Georgian England is 50 years too early for my books. But it’s more English than I am, so what the hell.
I’m always on the look out for a new way to waste time. And so, when I found this, I had to try it.
Virtual egg farming. You catch the chickens, feed them, gather eggs, clean out their nests, and catch them again…
while the virtual farmer calls you lazy, and the nest keeps getting dirtier, and the chicken keep running away…
It’s a chicken shit job, with a mean boss, and a growing sense of futility. I’ve had a dozen jobs like that, and quit every one. And now I’m doing it virtually, as entertainment? Will I never learn?
Back to Boomshine. Ohhhhmmmmmm.
Exactly what I don’t need: more things to draw me away from writing. Of course, you do have a point, since I’ve come up with some of my favorite scenes while zoning out to Bubbleshooter, Civilization IV, Jigsadoku, Spider Solitaire, and any number of other equally addictive games. In that case, I guess I really should check out your list. You know, in the interest of helping my writing…
Exactly what I don’t need: more things to draw me away from writing. Of course, you do have a point, since I’ve come up with some of my favorite scenes while zoning out to Bubbleshooter, Civilization IV, Jigsadoku, Spider Solitaire, and any number of other equally addictive games. In that case, I guess I really should check out your list. You know, in the interest of helping my writing…