Kids, don’t try this at home

November 6, 2006

Today, I did the thing that a writer is never supposed to do.

I quit my day job.

I didn’t exactly plan to, and I’m not, technically out the door, yet. My last day will be 12-1. But as career planning goes, this is kind of like that Buddhist monk with the gas can and the matches. Either I am about to achieve enlightenment and move to a higher plane, while making a major statement that will make the world sit up and take notice…

or I’m going to realize any time now, that this was a really dumb idea, and I’ll be more sorry than I can possibly imagine.

I am an eternal optimist, and am going with the first one. In a job where I never bothered to memorize my work phone number, and have been printing my calender off the internet one month at a time, I really doubt that I was fully committed to making things work.

In the realm of “dumbest thing I ever did” this doesn’t even make the top 10. I’ve done so many dumb things in 45 years, that this isn’t even a blip on the radar. It’s probably not even in the top 5 of the career section, since I’ve got “Working in Theater” and “Quitting theater without having another job lined up” and “All the things I did after theater, while trying to find myself(like secret shopping, and the product purchasing job where I had to send empty food wrappers to Indiana).”

And of course, the clown wig job, and the newspaper route.

Trying to make a living as a writer, really looks kind of sane after the clown wig job. At least I know I won’t be huffing AquaNet.

And good news for anyone reading: I’m about to have a lot more time to blog. Of course, I’ll be blogging about how broke I am, but it will probably be pretty funny in a pathetic sort of way, so stay tuned…

12 responses to “Kids, don’t try this at home”

  1. Anonymous says:

    I hope it works out for you. I was thinking after reading previous posts that you sounded stressed from overwork (and bored at the non-writing job). And as you say, if you can’t make enough money with the writing, there are always other jobs out there (which will be more interesting than the one you’ve just given up and than the clowns).

    Best wishes with the writing!

    Laura Morello Cherry

  2. Anonymous says:

    I hope it works out for you. I was thinking after reading previous posts that you sounded stressed from overwork (and bored at the non-writing job). And as you say, if you can’t make enough money with the writing, there are always other jobs out there (which will be more interesting than the one you’ve just given up and than the clowns).

    Best wishes with the writing!

    Laura Morello Cherry

  3. gilana says:

    Hey, even Superman has to throw himself off the building to fly, right?

    Break a leg! (Wait, that might not come out right, given the first bit…)

  4. gilana says:

    Hey, even Superman has to throw himself off the building to fly, right?

    Break a leg! (Wait, that might not come out right, given the first bit…)

  5. Anonymous says:

    good plan

    I think it’s a brilliant plan. I read your book and it was great. You’re a fantastic writer. I will buy anything else you write, I promise, and the more books the better. Also the longer the better. And if you’re taking requests, I’m in favor of a nice contemporary romantic comedy. I know you can do it, and frankly Jennifer Crusie and Susan Elizabeth Phillips aren’t cranking them out fast enough for me. -Amy in Seattle

  6. Anonymous says:

    good plan

    I think it’s a brilliant plan. I read your book and it was great. You’re a fantastic writer. I will buy anything else you write, I promise, and the more books the better. Also the longer the better. And if you’re taking requests, I’m in favor of a nice contemporary romantic comedy. I know you can do it, and frankly Jennifer Crusie and Susan Elizabeth Phillips aren’t cranking them out fast enough for me. -Amy in Seattle

  7. Anonymous says:

    Congratulations, and how brave of you. You certainly didn’t sound happy with your job whenever you’ve posted about it. BTW – GREAT job on Inconvenient Duchess. I loved how the story unfolded, and am looking forward to your next ones.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Congratulations, and how brave of you. You certainly didn’t sound happy with your job whenever you’ve posted about it. BTW – GREAT job on Inconvenient Duchess. I loved how the story unfolded, and am looking forward to your next ones.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Congratulations! Nothing but good (and occasionally scary) times ahead. I haven’t gotten the book yet, it’s a B&N stop this weekend.

    I think that this is absolutely the right time for you to do this — since I know absolutely nothig about you family dynamics and finances, I can say this with no cloud over my head. May I also put in the order for the contemporary. Your humor always gets me rolling and a book full will be heavenly.


  10. Anonymous says:

    Congratulations! Nothing but good (and occasionally scary) times ahead. I haven’t gotten the book yet, it’s a B&N stop this weekend.

    I think that this is absolutely the right time for you to do this — since I know absolutely nothig about you family dynamics and finances, I can say this with no cloud over my head. May I also put in the order for the contemporary. Your humor always gets me rolling and a book full will be heavenly.


  11. Anonymous says:


    Good for you! I’m in the quit-my-job-what-have-I-done phase right this minute, and it’s a little scary, but there’s so much time at home in my pajamas that I can’t work up any serious regret. The leap is worth it. It just does good things to your soul. “Be bold and mighty forces will come to your aid,” you know.
    Enjoy it. Starting 12/1.

  12. Anonymous says:


    Good for you! I’m in the quit-my-job-what-have-I-done phase right this minute, and it’s a little scary, but there’s so much time at home in my pajamas that I can’t work up any serious regret. The leap is worth it. It just does good things to your soul. “Be bold and mighty forces will come to your aid,” you know.
    Enjoy it. Starting 12/1.

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