July 26, 2007
As of today, I have a new office decoration, in addition to the new action figures.
When I was in Dallas, I did a book signing with other Harlequin authors. And HQ blew up our book covers to poster-size, to hang behind our tables.
We got to keep them.
I had mine framed and it is now hanging in my office.
I think I was a disappointment to the poster framer, since she was asking me author questions, like “Do you keep a notebook, next to the bed to write down ideas?”
The answer to that, and just about everything else that writers are supposed to do (like have outlines for their plots), is “No.”
There is nothing in my dreams worth writing down, believe me. They are all of the ‘taking an exam in a class I didn’t go to’ or ‘naked in the grocery store’ variety. Nothing to see here. Move along, folks.
Anyway. I have this poster.
I was told that there had been a little trouble with my American cover. The hero has tight pants and spread legs, and it came back from the art department giving a very different impression from the one they were trying for.
So they airbrushed him, to make him, hmm, well, less…
Never mind.
It breezed right by me on the book cover, but it’s pretty obvious
he’s had some work done, once he’s blown up to poster size. I may never look him in the eyes again.
#2 son says, no matter how much I talk about it, he’s “Not going
to stare at that guy’s junk”.
#1 son is afraid I’ll keep blurting “Air-brushed penis” in front of strangers.
OMG! Spew alert!
::runs to grab book to have a look::
OMG! Spew alert!
::runs to grab book to have a look::