April 19, 2006
The battle to domesticate my sons continues.
Before Easter, I had good intentions of coloring eggs and baking.
I got as far as boiling the eggs, ran out of time and gave up. But I still wanted baked goods. So I set #1 son to baking. Pumpkin bars made with Bisquick. Minimal instructions. Even the frosting came out fine. And I told him at the time, that the paper carton of eggs, on the left, was hard boiled and not to use it.
Now, my refrigerator may appear to be a dangerously stacked trap for the unwary, made of leftovers that should have gone out on garbage day. But it is actually a careful arrangement of leftovers that should have gone out on garbage day. I know where everything is.
And when I realize at breakfast, that we are out of bagels, toast, yogurt and cereal because I have forgotten to shop? But that I tell my self that a couple of hard-boiled eggs would not go amiss, and that I don’t really like scrambled anyway?
And when I grab a handful of eggs from the left and slam them down on the stove to loosen the shells?
I don’t like scrambled any better when I’m mopping them off the stove-top. The dog found it fascinating, but he is easily amused.
Let’s say it together children. “Hard boiled on the left. Un-cooked on the right.”
And don’t think that incompetence will get you off KP duty.
My family always wrote HB on the eggs with pencil. Doesn’t take long and saves screaming.
That’s what we used to do, too!
And then my husband started getting clever and wrote names on the HB eggs, like Eggbert, or would write “Be gentle with me,” or “Save me!”
Made opening the fridge entertaining, anyway.
What I should have done was written HAPPY EASTER on them in Sharpie and called it good.
Or maybe passed the eggs and the highlighters to the kids and said, “Knock yourselves out.”
The mistake was leaving them white and thinking I was going to break out the Paas and make pretty.
Not gonna happen. But if you can decorate for holidays using office supplies, I’m good.
My family always wrote HB on the eggs with pencil. Doesn’t take long and saves screaming.
That’s what we used to do, too!
And then my husband started getting clever and wrote names on the HB eggs, like Eggbert, or would write “Be gentle with me,” or “Save me!”
Made opening the fridge entertaining, anyway.
What I should have done was written HAPPY EASTER on them in Sharpie and called it good.
Or maybe passed the eggs and the highlighters to the kids and said, “Knock yourselves out.”
The mistake was leaving them white and thinking I was going to break out the Paas and make pretty.
Not gonna happen. But if you can decorate for holidays using office supplies, I’m good.