August 6, 2008
Last week, it was RWA.
I had one day at home, and then we went on vacation.
Now, I am in Denver Colorado, at Denvention 3 the 2008 World Science Fiction Convention. Worldcon is usually our annual family vacation. But this is the first year that I declared myself a professional writer (of anything) and offered myself up as a panel participant.
Surprise! They took me up on it. If you happen to be here, I am on three panels:
SF Fans Who write in other genres (Fri. 10:00)
The Best SF TV Show Ever (Sat 14:30, and that would be IMHO Doctor Who)
Doctor, Doctor, Who’s the Best Doctor (Sun 10:00)
And on that last panel will be Paul Cornell, author of the Hugo nominated 2 part episode Family of Blood/Human Nature. When I found that out, I screamed like a fan girl. I get to meet Paul Cornell.
Writing is THE BEST JOB EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And, although I didn’t know it before coming here, I get to do a book signing. I am in the same block of authors as Lois McMaster Bujold.
So you can look for me on the empty side of the room. The big line, with all the people? That’s for her.
Or, as #1 son suggested:
“Maybe they can put you next to her. The empty space in front of you will give her fans more room.”
Seriously. I do not think anyone will be looking for me. SF Con signings are different from Romance signings. At an RWA signing, you expect the writer to sell you a book. Or better yet, to give you a book for free.
At an SF signing, it is strictly BYOB. If you are here, I will sign anything but a personal check or a bar tab. But I’ve got nothing with me to give but business cards. You will have to take my word for it, that I am indeed an author (of something).
But I would recommend you move over to the Bujold line. It’s what I’d do.
Paul Cornell SO COOL!!!
Paul Cornell SO COOL!!!
Panels & Signings
Yes, Lois did have a much bigger line than you did or anyone else for that matter. I did enjoy chatting with you for a bit in the autograph line and your were a good panelist for the two we were on together. Paul definitely got mobbed after the Doctor Who panel. I figure I’ll get a chance to chat with him more at Gallifrey next year.
Lee Whiteside
Panels & Signings
Yes, Lois did have a much bigger line than you did or anyone else for that matter. I did enjoy chatting with you for a bit in the autograph line and your were a good panelist for the two we were on together. Paul definitely got mobbed after the Doctor Who panel. I figure I’ll get a chance to chat with him more at Gallifrey next year.
Lee Whiteside